Pintu Kebahagiaan

Ketika satu pintu kebahagiaan tertutup, pintu yang lain dibukakan.
Tetapi sering kali kita terpaku terlalu lama pada pintu yang tertutup sehingga tidak melihat pintu lain yang dibukakan bagi kita.

Sabtu, 29 November 2008

Kerja kok kayak ngerjain PLO ya...

Malam ini emang kejar tayang bangat...

Karena tim telah "dihajar" pemberi kerja, terpaksa disetrap deh...
Dari dua malam yang lalu, terus malam ini, dan mungkin saja besok, akan melewati malam dengan tanpa tidur..

Hmm,,, ternyata gak jauh beda dengan waktu kuliah dulu..
mengerjakan segala tugas-tugas PLO yang selalu gak tidur pas H-1 pengumpulan, sislog yang UTS nya Mr. Icak benar-benar membuat adrenalin bangkit dan gak bisa-bisa tidur...

Ngomong-ngomong soal disetrap, jadi teringat juga momen-momen PPAB yang harus bekerja keras satu angkatan, begadang dan begadang melulu mengejar jadwal kejar tayang...

Ternyata emang guna ya "latihan gak tidur" pas kuliah di dunia bekerja.. (padahal kan sekarang masih kuliah juga, hehehe)..

Preface for "me, myself..."

I've planned to have a personal blog for many years, since my last blog when I was in the second grade student of college.. But it was just a dream until this time: the dream comes true.. hehehhe

As a preface for "this private room of my heart" and for the next posting in this blog, i would like to tell everyone why i make the name of this blog : "me, myself..."

For me, becoming my own self in front of or behind of other people is still the most difficult thing i need to do. I don't say that i've never been myself. I have, but only in many case or many condition.

One question i generate from these all: "or may be it's me, myself, i have to receive that i'm difficult to be the real who i am.. or should i change it?"

For the people who claim that they have known me at all, i thank you. Eventhough, i have to ensure you, that i do still have a secret you don't know yet at all..

But, i want in the end of mylife, everyone i know or everyone knows me, will claim that they have known me at all as i know me, myself at all... Let's see if this blog can be one of the way i can tell the truth.. :P